July 27, 2024

Letter: Unfair property tax eats away at retirement fund

We bought a home in Hawaii Kai for our five kids when no one wanted to live out here. It was too far or too much traffic. Now the area is developed and our same old home sits on a lot just as it was 45 years ago, aging gracefully with just the two of us in the home. The kids are gone.

I am retired, but taxes go on and the tax assessor gleefully reassesses property at higher values brought on by low interest rates. (This year he kept it about the same, but our rental properties suffered higher taxes.)

I feel a flat tax for all homes is fair. However, taxing a home based on some value to get more revenue to waste on some bureaucratic project is totally unfair. I reached the age of 85, and now I see my savings dissipating into the coffers of government. A flat tax is OK, but leave my retirement money alone.

Jim Delmonte

Hawaii Kai


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