
The Fort Worth ISD school board lowered the tax rate for the 2023-24 school year.
The 2023-24 tax rate is $1.0624 per $100 of valuation. The rate for the 2022-23 school year was $1.2816.
The 2023-24 rate is the lowest property tax that Fort Worth ISD has levied since the 2007-08 school year.
Most of the cut was because the Texas Legislature compressed school district property tax rates.
Trustees cut 2 cents off the debt service rate, one of two smaller figures that form the overall school district property tax.
A law allowing homeowners to take $100,000 off their property values for school district taxes lowered bills, too.
In August 2023, Fort Worth ISD Chief Financial Officer Carmen Arrieta-Candelaria said the district may pay more interest on its $1.2 billion school building improvement program.
“In the future, we may have to increase the rate,” she said.
This fact brief is responsive to conversations such as this one.
Fort Worth ISD Adopted Tax Rates
Fort Worth ISD 2023-2024 Tax rate adoption presentation
The Dallas Morning News What is Texas doing about property taxes? And will it save you money?
Texas Legislature Online Senate Bill 2
Texas Legislature Online House Joint Resolution 2
Texas Education Agency Fort Worth ISD property tax rates since 2005
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