July 27, 2024

John Mueller On Keyword Domain Names And Branding For SEO

In a recent discussion on Reddit, a user inquired about the advantages of using keyword domain names for SEO to improve visibility for a specific phrase.

The user shared an example of utilizing a domain like “swimsuits.com” for selling swimsuits, a keyword with over 10,000 monthly searches in their country.

John Mueller, Google’s Search Advocate, offered a response that should help marketers decide on the best approach for SEO.

Are Keywords In Domain Names A Ranking Factor?

The big question: do relevant keywords in a domain name offer additional advantages in Google Search?

Mueller’s response was direct and insightful. He advised against relying on keywords in domain names for long-term SEO strategy.

“A keyword domain name is not going to give you any recognizable SEO advantage on Google.”

keyword domain names google search rankings seo valueScreenshot from r/SEO, December 2023

The introductory if  “If you’re planning on using this [domain] for the long run” – suggests the advice does not apply to all website owners and that there could be short-term value in keyword-based domain names.

Omnichannel Brand Recognition & Versatility

For those with long-term marketing goals, domain names focused on a specific keyword or phrase could become a hindrance.

According to Mueller, such domain names can also be restrictive for targeting other keywords, making it difficult to diversify product or service offerings on the same website.

Mueller’s advice sheds light on the evolving nature of omnichannel marketing marketing. It highlights the importance of building a strong, recognizable brand for search and other platforms to connect with customers.


In conclusion, Mueller’s insights are valuable for marketing and SEO professionals polishing up their strategy for 2024. It encourages a shift in focus from relying on keywords to developing a comprehensive, brand-focused online presence.

This strategy aligns with the current SEO trends, where brand recognition and quality content play a significant role in achieving SEO success.

Featured image: Linaimages/Shutterstock

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