Bitfarms Technologies, Vestis, and More Stocks See Action From Activist Investors
These disclosures are from 13Ds filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. 13Ds are filed within 10 days of an entity’s attaining more than 5% in any class of a company’s securities. Subsequent changes in holdings or intentions must be reported in amended filings. This material is from June 20 through June 26, 2024. Source:
Pharma Investing Is All About Service Now. The Patent-Cliff Era Is Ending.
About the author: Molly McGaughan is managing director for North America at Beyond. For decades, investors have chosen pharma stocks based largely on which companies have drugs and vaccines being sold to large numbers of people. Savvy shareholders in these companies have worked to avoid looming “patent cliffs”—the moments when exclusivity on popular therapies runs