- Steve Cunningham

Matt Caldwell
With the Primary Election taking place Tuesday and early voting ending this Saturday, candidates for Lee County Property Appraiser are sending one last message to voters throughout the county.
The 2024 race sees incumbent Matt Caldwell (REP) and Steve Cunningham (REP) qualified for a primary face off. The race will be on the Aug. 20 ballot as a “universal” primary open to all voters. As there are only two candidates for Property Appraiser this election cycle, both being Republican, the winner will not face a challenger in the General Election with the race decided in the primary.
Caldwell, 42, states he believes in limited government, consistently advocates for term limits, and is a staunch defender of the right to keep and bear arms.
A seventh-generation Florida native, Caldwell attended Florida Gulf Coast University, from which he received a degree in history. He worked as a real estate appraiser and consultant with Maxwell, Hendry & Simmons in Fort Myers, having attained the highest state certification in his field and being qualified as an expert witness in multiple states and federal court. Caldwell is also a partner and consultant with TM Strategic Consulting. He was a member of the Florida House of Representatives from 2010-2018, serving on and chairing several committees during his tenure, including tax policy, redistricting, insurance and banking, agriculture, natural resources and public lands, transportation and infrastructure, local, federal, and military affairs, and oversight of government operations, such as pensions and elections.
“I am eager to serve Lee County as the elected Property Appraiser for a second term,” Caldwell said. “My goal is to be a constant advocate for the taxpayer, whether that is in administering our homestead exemption process, fighting FEMA for our rights as property owners following Hurricane Ian, or advocating for a more equitable system of taxation with the Florida Legislature and Congress. This office should, and does, answer to only one authority, the voters, therefore, my commitment is to you and your needs above all else.”

Steve Cunningham
Cunningham, 71, has served as a real estate appraiser, broker and consultant in Lee County for 48 years. H is a state-certified general real estate appraiser, holds the MAI, SRA, SNF CCIM Designation, qualified as an expert witness in State and Federal Court, Court Appointed Receiver, and has been a Special Magistrate for tax appeal hearings in Lee and Collier counties.
Currently, he represents property owners in the appeal of their Just Value. He is the CEO of Cunningham Realty Advisory Group, a full service real estate company specializing in real estate appraisals, commercial brokerage, Court Appointed Receiverships, and tax appeal.
“Since 2020, we have been through a global recession, rising interest rates and inflation resulting in a volatile real estate market, and Hurricane Ian which will affect Lee County for decades,” Cunningham said. “We have had two Property Appraisers in Lee County in the last 44 years… the incumbent for four years and his predecessor for 40 years. Let me pose a question. Is it unreasonable to have a 48-year, battle-tested and seasoned real estate professional and appraiser take a fresh look at the tax rolls?
“I am a numbers nerd. I want to make sure the formula for arriving at Just Value is accurate and fair, especially in the allocation of land and building. This is a critical conclusion for structures that are below the required FEMA Flood Plain that are partially damaged or if updates are wanted due to the 50% Rule. I will be in the office each and every day, accessible to the public to answer any and all questions and to make sure that all taxpayers are aware of ALL of their taxpayer rights. I am running based on my experience and expertise in real estate.”
Matt Caldwell (incumbent)
Seat sought: Lee County Property Appraiser
Party: Republican
Age: 42
Occupation: Lee County Property Appraiser, consultant
Education: Degree in history, Florida Gulf Coast University
Years in Lee County: Seventh generation Floridian, grew up in Lee County, Alva resident
Family: Married and raising a daughter
Campaign website: VoteCaldwell.org
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Steve Cunningham
Seat sought: Lee County Property Appraiser
Party: Republican
Age: 71
Occupation: Real Estate appraiser, broker and CEO of Cunningham Realty Advisory Group
Education: Bachelor of Science Degree, University of Illinois
Years in Lee County: 48 years as a practicing real estate appraiser, broker and consultant
Family: One son, two sisters, lot of nieces and nephews
Campaign website: SteveforLee.com