Indiana’s Libertarian Candidate for Governor says property taxes are at the top of the list of things that need to change to make the lives of Hoosiers better.
Rainwater was a guest on 93 WIBC’s “Kendall and Casey Show” Friday morning. Many Hoosier homeowners were hit with a 17% property tax increase last year. Rainwater says he has a plan to make sure skyrocketing increases don’t happen.
“I say when we close on a real estate transaction for a residential or agricultural property, you pay 7%. You either pay it at closing or you pay 1% of the purchase price for seven years. When you’ve paid your 7%, your done,” said Rainwater.
Rainwater says making it a real estate action is the only way to make it fair and equitable.
“It doesn’t matter who you are. If you are a Hoosier, you should get the same property tax deal as everybody else,” said Rainwater.
On his website, Rainwater says he is committed to “putting more of your hard-earned money back in your pocket by reducing or eliminating the state income tax, property tax, gasoline taxes, vehicle excise taxes, and utilities taxes.”
Rainwater is running against Democratic candidate Jennifer McCormick and Republican Mike Braun. The election is November 5.