March 15, 2025

Buffalo County property transfers

The following real-estate transfers from June June 28 to July 24, 2024 were compiled from deeds recorded at the Buffalo County Register of Deeds Office. Addresses and prices are public record and are provided when available from the register’s office. If prices were not available, the equivalent based on the Nebraska Documentary Tax paid on the full amount or the current market value is listed.

Kenneth Stittle and Cynthia Stittle to Robert Russell, 415 Kufus Ave., Ravenna, TAV $24,000 to $25,000.

Kevin Thompson and Amy Thompson, aka Amy Eifert, to Jacon Fleecs and Katherine West, 2506 W. 37th St., TAV $624,000 to $625,000.

Gerald Kajdl and Loretta Knajdl to Danny Haines and Misty Haines, S: 9T: 11 R: GL: -SW-SW PT; 290X526; (see record), TAV $59,000 to $60,000.

Lean Brandt Trustee, Lean Bandt Revocable Trust, Ardyth Brandt Trustee and Ardyth Brandt Revocable Trust to Colby Brandt and Tina Brandt, 1012 W. 42nd St., TAV $277,000 to $278,000.

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Shane Schuller to Cortney Hervert, 28825 Buckeye Road, Ravenna, S: 5 T: 11 R: 14W GL: -SW-NW PT; 2 Tract , (see record), TAV $89,000 to $90,000.

Terri Moorman to Kevin Thompson, 2804 W. 35th St., Unit 11, Aspent Falls Condominiums Ky L: 3-A-B: Unit PT: TOG/W COM EL, TAV $338,000 to $339,000.

Jack Wardyn and Mary Wardyn to Barrett Littell and Deborah Littell, 718 E. 48th St., TAV $335,000 to $336,000.

James Joseph Signature Homes LLC to Christopher Pobanz and Leah Pobanz, Eagle View Estates, PT GL: 14, 23, 24 30-9-16 L: 2 B: 2, TAV $119,000 to $120,000.

John Shandera and Jenna Shandera to Benjamin Lans and Connie Lans, 5609 44th Ave. Place, TAV $839,000 to $840,000.

Larry Lilienthal and Cathy Lilienthal to Jack Wardyn and Mary Wardyn, 1345 W. 105th St. Place, TAV $486,000 to $487,000.

David Nelson to Jeffrey Geiselman and Gloria Geiselman, 2804 W. 35th St. Unit No. 7, TAV $344,000 t0 $345,000.

Theresa Weibye and Christopher Weibye to Timothy Norwood Sr. Trustee and Timothy Norwood Sr., Revocable Trust, 5610 Eastbrooke Drive, No. 1; 5610 Eastbrooke Drive No. 2; 1925 W. 38th Drive; Eastbrooke Condominiums Second KY L: 10A B: Unit PT: TOG/W Com El; Eastbrooke Condominiums Second KY L: 10B B: Unit PT TOG/W Com El; Town & Country Second Sub KY L: 2, TAV $294,000 to $295,000.

Sandra Zeleski and John Zeleski to Timothy Norwood Sr. Trustee and Timothy Norwood Sr. Revocable Trust; 5610 Eastbrooke Drive No. 1; 510 Eastbrooke Drive No. 2; 1925 W. 38th Drive; Eastbrooke Condominiums Second Ky L: 10A B: Unit PT TOG/W COM El; Eastbrooke Condominiums Second Ky L: 10B B: Unit PT; TOG/W COM El; and Town & Country Second Sub Ky L:2, TAV $294,000 to $295,000.

Andrea Treffer, aka Andrea Teichmeier, and Lucas Treffer to Braydon Mueller, 906 Sicily Ave., Ravenna, TAV $139,000 to $140,000.

Kenneth Sittle and Cynthia Sittle to Lucas Treffer and Andrea Treffer, 401 Kufus Ave., Ravenna, TAV $289,000 to $290,000.

Nore Electric Inc., to ARCO Enterprises, Prairie View Business Park Second PT N2 SE4 PT Gov Lot 3 27-9-15 L: 3 B: 1 NDT.

Starostka Group Unlimited Inc. to Abubaka Tauseef and Mayam Zafar, 2104 E. 38th St., TAV $369,000 to $370,000.

Kearney mural

A buffalo stares back at viewers of this mural in downtown Kearney.

Jo Ann Pohl to Safe Harbour Eat – XXX LLC, 110 C St., Shelton; Shelton SH OT L: 5 B: 6 PT: S11’LT5; Shelton SH OT L: 4 B: 6 PT: N13’LT4; TAV $69,000 to $70,000.

Green Brick LLC to Triple S Rentals LLC, 210 Murnen Ave., Gibbon, TAV $16,000 to $17,000.

Kassidy Messersmith to Giancarlo Hernandez and Rachel Hernandez, 2111 12th Ave., TAV $223,000 to $224,000.

Carmody Farms LLC to Joseph Beran and Kimberly Beran, Eagle Hill Acres PT SW4 NW4 & PT NW4 SW4 27-9-17 L: 2.

Robert Macy and Marisa Macy to Monica Hansen, 3601 W. Arbor Lane, TAV $404,000 to $405,000.

Central Avenue Partners to Tower Oaks Realty LLC, 3500 Central Ave.; Northwest Quarter School Section Ky L: 41 PT: E212’LT41 EXC 520’ & EXC N25’; Bodinsons Sub Ky Rep L50 NWSS L: 4 PT: TOG/W N2 VAC Alley Abut; Bodinsons Sub Ky Rep L50 NWSS L: 5 PT: TOG/W N2 VAC Alley Abut; Bodinsons Sub Ky Rep L50 NWSS L: 6 PT: TOG/W N2 VAC Alley Abut; Bodinsons Sub Ky Rep L50 NWSS L: 7 PT: TOG/W N2 VAC Alley Abut; Bodinsons Sub Ky Rep L50 NWSS L: 14 PT: TOG/W S2 VAC Alley Abut; Bodinsons Sub Ky Rep L50 NWSS L: 15 PT: TOG/W S2 VAC Alley Abut; Bodinsons Sub Ky Rep L50 NWSS L: 16 PT: TOG/W S2 VAC Alley Abut; Bodinsons Sub Ky Rep L50 NWSS L: 17 PT: W33’LT17; TOG/W S2 VAC Alley Abut, TAV $2,401,400 to $2,426,000.

Berry Enterprises LLC and Fries Enterprises LLC to Edwin Perez, 415 W. 22nd St., TAV $272,000 to $273,000.

Steven Hobbs and Raquel Kemm to Eric Ingebretsen, 603 W. 21st St., TAV $245,000 to $246,000.

Nathan Toof and Breanne Toof to Aaron Kuiper and Caitlin Kuiper, 217 W. 27th St., TAV $264,000 to $265,000.

Michael Sandstedt to Antelope Homes LLC, 2114 Fourth Ave., West ADD KY L: 3 B: 6, TAV, $164,000 to $165,000.

Paul Farias and Rita Farias to Miguel Ramirez and Jecenia Ramirez, 300 Pine Ave., Gibbon, TAV $91,000 to $92,000.

TAAA Arena LLC to NMN Express Inc., Broadfoot Third Addition Ky L: 1, TAV $584,000 to $585,000.

Nathan Lightle and Jeanne Lightle to Jamie Kramer, 4511 Linden Drive, TAV $265,000 to $266,000.

Vicki Londer to Logan Glodowski, 814 D Ave., TAV $150,000 to $151,000.

Across the Creek Farms LLC to Benjamin Turek, Turek Administrative Subdivision PT NE4 SE4 14-9-14 L:1, TAV $39,000 to $40,000.

Davis Dillon to Nathan Toof and Breanne Toof, 1114 E. 14th St., TAV $316,000 to $317,000.

Nathan Lightle and Jeanne Lightle to William Orr and Angela Orr, 3320 Fourth Ave., TAV $247,000 to $248,000.

Curtis Hinrichs and Tayler Hinrichs to Safe Harbour Eat-XIX LLC, 4314 Glenwood Road, TAV $294,000 to $295,000.

Austin Gardine and Amanda Gardine to Turkey Creek Properties LLC, Turkey Creek Second Sub PT GL6.7 & 9 10-8-16 L: 5 B: 1, TAV $61,000 to $62,000.

Silverton Inc. to Sally Field, 6908 K Ave., TAV $389,000 to $390,000.

Sally Field to Timothy Vance and Lisa Field, 6906 Ave. K, $389,000 to $390,000.

Heather Roubicek and Eric Roubicek to 10475 LLC, Roubicek Subdivision PT N2 SW4 1-9-16 L: 1, TAV $239,000 to $240,000.

Paul Gangwish and Debra Gangwish to Trace Armstrong and Hannah Armstrong, S: 13 T: 10 R: 13W GL: -NE-SE; S: 13 T: 10 R: 13W GL: -NW-SW, TAV $1,024,000 to $1,025,000.

Twin Hills LLC to Carolyn Lee Kappel, 4212 10th Ave., $64,000 to $65,000.

Michael Synek PR and Paul Miller Jr. Estate to Antonio Contreras Jr. and Rosalia Contreras, 602 E. 15th St., TAV $254,000 to $255,000.

Jacob Willrich and Erin Willrich to Kyle Dellevoet and Jody Dellevoet, 5904 Ave. O, TAV $359,000 to $360,000.

Phyllis Williams and Malcolm Campbel to Myron Samuelson and Sharilyn Samuelson, 705 Padua Ave., Ravenna, TAV $194,000 to $195,000.

Ronald Kitt and Linda Kitt to Winston Nutt and Kyleigh Scott, 5421 W. Saddlehorse Dr., TAV $394,000 to $395,000.

Brenda Splitter Trustee and Monty Splitter and Brenda Splitter Trust to Alisha Sobotka, 1106 W. 41st. St., TAV $369,000 to $370,000.

Starostka Group Unlimited Inc. to John Shundoff Trustee and John Shundoff Revocable Trust, 3409 X Ave., TAV $349,000 to $350,000.

Virginia Klingelhoefer Co-PR, Lynda Burman Co-PR, Alan Smith Co-PR and Eileen Smith Estate to Caleb Houdek and Bailey Shubert, 435 N. Church St., Elm Creek, TAV $211,000 to $212,000.

Larry Stacy Jr. and Melissa Stacy to Brian Smyth and Heidi Smyth, 1302 Ninth Ave., TAV $182,000 to $183,000.

Ezra Harris and Jeanette Harris to Daniel Ramsdell, 2515 Woodland Road, Gibbon, TAV $244,000 to $245,000.

Mark Wroblewski and Mary Wroblewski to Sarah Ripp and Cynthia Schroeder, 124 Grand Ave., Ravenna, TAV $179,000 to $180,000.

Starostka Group Unlimited Inc. to Jose Rodriguez and Luz Colon-Rodriguez, 2211 E. 38th St., TAV $319,000 to $320,000.

Nick Sorensen and Patricia Sorensen to Alan Renner and Kristin Renner, 504 Huron Drive, TAV $607,000 to $608,000.

Barry Shores to Luis Vasquez and Jennifer Diaz-Herrera, 401 Court St., Gibbon, TAV $124,000 to $125,000.

Darrin Sprague and Lisa Sprague to Randy Lucas and Joy Hazen, 1406 Ave. K, TAV $379,000 to $380,000.

Adale Schroeder aka Adale J. Schroeder and Adale Helm to AKG Investment Co., LLC, 3814 Ave. E, TAV $197,000 to $198,000.

1714 West 40th Kearney LLC to Peter Lillyman and Stella Odion, 1714-1716 W. 40th St., TAV $369,000 to $370,000.

Donald Ulrich and Kathy Ulrich to Joseph Bradley and Jessica Bradley, 5788 W. 85th St., TAV $574,000 to $575,000.

Kevin Kalkowski and Brittney M. Kalkowski aka Brittney Pankratz to Brett Schaepler and Cierra Schaepler, 914 Ninth Ave. Place, TAV $389,000 to $390,000.

Jeffrey Jones and Sarah Jones to Mark Bacon and Elizabeth Bacon, 1822 W. 50th St., TAV $464,000 to $465,000.

Esther Heiden Trustee and Esther Heiden Living Trust to Luke Knisely, 3311 F Ave., TAV $118,000 to $119,000.

Cheryl L. Heiden aka Cheryl Heiden and Joyce Heiden to Luke Knisely, 3311 F Ave., TAV $118,000 to $119,000.

Sheri Rumbeck, Brian Rumbeck, Cindi Richter, Jeffrey Richter, Steven Wells, Jessica Wells, and Mandi A. Blessing aka Mandi R. Blessing to Mary O’Rourke Trustee and Mary O’Rourke Revocable Trust, 1512 E. 43rd St., TAV $299,000 to $300,000.

James Jones and Carolyn Jones to Gregory Girard and Angela Girard, 4709 10th Ave. Place, TAV $370,000 to $371,000.

Alex Schultz to Jonathan Parlier and Jaqueline Solis Parlier, 407 E. 31st St., TAV $222,000 to $223,000.

Girl Scouts Spirit of Nebraska to Coruscant LLC and S&W Sports Inc., 2412 E. Highway 30, TAV $349,000 to $350,000.

James Trambly to Grant Serbousek, 807 E. 36th St., TAV $258,000 to $259,000.

David Oldham and Alexia Oldham to Cadence Schleicher, 302 E. 39th St., TAV $248,000 to $249,000.

Sandra Byers and Jack Jones Estate to Gary Lingle, 1503 W. 36th St., TAV $299,000 to $300,000.

Daniel Chromy Co-PR, Deborah Hammond Co-PR and Marie Jean Chromy Estate to Glen Decker, 4208 H Ave., TAV $259,000 to $260,000.

City of Gibbon to Faith United Church of Gibbon, 715 Front St., NDT.

William Harold Jellison II to William Harold Jellison II Trustee and William Harold Jellison II Living Revocable Trust, 803 E. 37th St., TAV $183,000 to $184,000.

Duane Robertson and Angela Robertson to Jaime Ortiz-Chavez, 1412 E. 33rd St., TAV $264,000 to $265,000.

Larry Speicher and Andrea Speicher to Scout Rentals LLC, 3411 Ave. E, TAV $389,000 to $390,000.

Natasha Pickering to RHBRREI LLC, 3120 D Ave., TAV $119,000 to 120,000.

KDiver LLC to Paul Davis and Janelle Davis, Lake Villa Estates Ky L: 1 B: 4, TAV $69,000 to $70,000.

TS Development LLC to Anthony Dale, 3760 W 70th St., TAV $174,000 to $175,000.

Thomas Kropp and Sonja Doms Kropp to Ryan Blake and Jayden Blake, 1811 W. 41st St., TAV $339,000 to $340,000.

Gene Hofferber and Lynette Hofferber to BVV Exchange LLC, 903-905 Second St., Gibbon, TAV $299,000 to $300,000.

KDI LLC to Carlos Antonio Rivera-Jimenez Trustee, Doreen Eileen Rivera Trustee and Rivera Family Trust, S: 11 T: 9 R: 17W GL: -NE-NE PT; (see record), TAV $174,000 to $175,000.

T James Enterprises Inc. to MBD Rentals LLC, Park View EstatesTenth Ky L: 2, TAV $30,000 to $31,000.

Robert Cook Trustee and Robert Cook and Patricia Cook Trust to Terry Furby and Annette Furby, 1721 Ave. F, TAV $45,000 to $46,000.

City of Kearney to First Baptist Church of Kearney, 3610 Sixth Ave., NDT.

School District No. 7 aka Kearney Public Schools to First Baptist Church of Kearney, Horizon Second Addition Ky L: 1 PT: PT; (see record) NDT.

Todd Van Winkle and Cathy Van Winkle to Kenneth Stittle and Cynthia Stittle, 42880 375th Road, Ravenna, TAV $369,000 to $370,000.

Joyce Clauson to Joan Majors and Richard Majors, S: 24 T: 10 R: 13W GL: -SW-NW; S: 24 T: 10 R: 13W GL: -SE-NW, TAV $319,000 to $320,000.

Peggy Dobish to Stephen Epley and Jean Epley, 5605 W. Highway 30, TAV $496,000 to $497,000.

Brett Schaepler and Cierra Schaepler to Robert Lynn and Dodi Lynn, 1323 10th Ave., TAV $310,000 to $311,000.

Mary Richard Trustee to John Albers and Jane Albers, 5820 Ave. N No.22, TAV $353,000 to $354,000.

C’Sandra Steinmark-Carlisle SUCC Trustee and Gary Steinmark Administration Trust to Dylan Happ, 304 E. 26th St., TAV $147,000 to $148,000.

Stephen Stubblefield Trustee and Charles Stubblefield M D Family Trust to Neil Stubblefield and Erin Stubblefield, S: 33 T: 10 R: 13 GL: -NE-NW; S: 33 T: 10 R: 13 GL: -NW-NW, TAV $919,000 to $920,000.

Fox Creek Development LLC to NP Construction Inc, Arbor View First KY L: 3 B: 2, TAV $64,000 to $65,000.

George Hoagstrom and Lola Hoagstrom to Krista Gutchewsky, 516 E. 36th St., TAV $364,000 to $365,000.

NP Construction Inc. to Tamara Nelson, 6519 R Ave., TAV $508,000 to $509,000.

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