July 1, 2024

Most TSP funds gained ground in February

After a mixed showing to start 2024, nearly all of the portfolios in the federal government’s 401(k)-style retirement savings program posted positive returns last month.

In February, only the Thrift Savings Plan’s fixed income (F) fund finished the month in the red, dropping 1.41%. So far this year, the F Fund has lost 1.50% in value.

The common stocks of the C Fund continued its strong recent showing, increasing 5.34% last month. The C Fund has grown 7.49% in 2024, marking the best performance among the TSP’s core funds.

The small- and mid-size businesses of the S Fund posted the strongest numbers in February, gaining 6.03%. That’s good enough to bring the fund 3.48% into the black in 2024. And the TSP’s international (I) fund increased 2.74%, bringing its return so far this year to 2.51%.

The G Fund, which is made up of government securities, grew at its statutorily mandated rate of 0.33%. The G Fund has increased 0.67% in the first two months of 2024.

Each of the TSP’s lifecycle (L) funds, which shift to more conservative investments as participants get closer to retirement, all posted in gains in February. The L Income Fund, for people who have already begun making withdrawals, grew 1.29%; L 2025, 1.63%; L 2030, 2.74%; L 2035, 2.96%; L 2040, 3.20%; L 2045, 3.41%; L 2050, 3.62%; L 2055, 4.48%; L 2060, 4.48%; and L 2065, 4.48%.

So far this year, the L Income Fund has increased 1.66%; L 2025, 2.01%; L 2030, 3.15%; L 2035, 3.38%; L 2040, 3.62%; L 2045, 3.83%; L 2050, 4.04%; L 2055, 4.95%; L 2060, 4.95%; and L 2065, 4.95%.

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