EL PASO, Texas (KFOX14/CBS4) — El Paso County approved to accept a donation fromMoreno Cardenas Inc. (MIC) a development company to help improve traffic school zones for Dr. Sue A. Shook Elementary School after the Socorro Independent School District reached out to the county for funding.
During a presentation in yesterdays El Paso County meeting it was stated the county does not fund school zones, therefore a spokesperson for the county said MIC Inc. offered to donate funds to help make school zone improvements.
The school opened back in 2008 and since then roadways have been busy with more traffic, and school zones in placed were not built for heavy traffic flow.
KFOX14 spoke with MichaelMcElroy the Planning and Development Director for the El Paso County, who said growth is the main reason why the area is in need for better school zones and explained there are three different upgrades needed for the area.
The three things that they’re going to be designing one are the school zone flashers on the east end approach. That’s the most important thing to let drivers know if you’re heading west where towards the south that there’s a school and to watch for students, watch for pedestrians. Second component will be an extension of the median on Paseo de Este at that intersection. Currently the median does not extend all the way to the intersection, and then the third part would be providing a left-hand turning bay into the school so that traffic doesn’t back up on Paseo de Este itself for vehicles trying to get into the parent and visitors lock.
McElroy said it will take 90 days to prepare the engineering plan which is in plans now and after approval from the county they could proceed with construction, he said the county is grateful for MCI’s donation.
“The county is very appreciative of their partnership with the county, their partnership at SISD to provide for the safety of students and our community,” said McElroy.
The amount donated to Dr. Sue Elementary has not been released.
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