— Crow Wing County Land Services will begin the state mandated “quintile” process of physically viewing 20% of the parcels within the county for property valuations effective in 2025.
State statute requires each county to review properties annually to verify the accuracy and completeness of assessment records used to determine property taxes. This year, property assessors will view approximately 8,000 parcels county-wide.
“Property owners will see assessors verifying information about their property including, size, quality, homestead status and conditions of improvements,” Property Assessor Supervisor Sandra Brueland said in a news release. “Assessors will also be able to answer property owners’ questions about the property tax process.”
Assessors will always display their county identification badges, will wear a Crow Wing County high visibility vest, and vehicles will display county markers. Business cards will be left with customers if no one is home during the visit, and some customers may receive a follow up letter requesting an interior review if necessary.
“We are committed to fairly and accurately valuing property for tax purposes,” Brueland said. “Annual physical reviews of property is an essential tool in maintaining accurate, uniform and consistent property valuations.”
Information from the 2024 physical review will be reflected in the 2025 property tax assessment. Property valuations are primarily determined by analyzing sales information on similar properties throughout the county.
Official notice of the 2025 assessment will be mailed to property owners by the end of March next year.
For more information about the valuation and classification process, contact the office at landservices@crowwing.gov or 218-824-1010.